Thursday, June 10, 2010

Mountains and Rivers and Moose oh my!

Alright, apologies are in order for not updating in awhile, I've been pretty busy at work...

Since I last blogged, I have covered a police shooting, a boating death, written a four piece home edition and put out a paper with an average of ten stories per week...

Erin and I did have the great opportunity to climb Petersburg Mountain on a beautiful sunny Sunday.

We also hosted a dinner for some friends (Erin cooked the entire thing, it was DELICIOUS)

I've also had the good fortune of being invited up the Stikine for a camping trip (unfortunately without Erin who was working)

The paper has been pretty hectic recently.

Who would have thought I would be covering a shooting in little old Petersburg, but a few weeks ago I got a call about an officer involved shooting. I jumped on my bike and took off to the scene.

A man wielding a sword was threatening neighbors, and when the cops showed up, he cut off their squad car antenna before swinging at the police. They tazed him twice (didn't work due to meth) and were forced to shoot him when he charged one of the officers. From my research, it sounds like it was a justified shooting, but nevertheless very sad in a small town where everybody knows each other...

When I arrived, all I had was my little point and shoot digital camera (I carry it everywhere) and I was able to get a shot of the scene before they covered it with tarps.

In this picture you can see a pool of blood, the man's shoe, and on the right you can see his braveheart style sword... it was a sad day.

When you live in such a small town, you know everybody involved. I had seen the man before, and I know the police sgt. that shot him. I talked to him a few days following the shooting and he was still visibly upset.

Here is something a little more heartwarming...

Here is a picture from an interesting small town news story. The local fire department helped the sophomore class at the highschool with a car wash. I had to take the Honda through!

On to our adventures!

Petersburg Mountain, which actually sits on Kupreanof Island across the Narrows from Petersburg doesn't look like too daunting of a hill right? ... WRONG

The path climbs over 3,000 feet in just over a mile. IT IS A TOUGH CLIMB

To show you how tough it is...

Look what it did to me!!!

Actually, as I was climbing, practically on all fours, I walked into a sharp branch; heads bleed profusely.

Here Erin and I are still happy starting the hike..

At the top of the mountain there is a cable to use to pull yourself up sections. Here we are at the snow level.

The hike was totally worth it, the views were AMAZING. We spent some time at the summit eating lunch and enjoying the sun before heading down.

This shot was actually used as a cover shot in the paper today. Looking over Petersburg, which was miniscule from the top.

Looking West.

Full shot of the town.

Stikine trip!
At the last minute, I was invited up the Stikine with friends Orin, Dave and Dana.

I tried to make a google map video of our trip, but it was taking too long so I just took a picture with large points from the trip.

We started at Blackaree point at the south end of Mitkof Island, headed east to camp on the shore next to 15 mile island.

With me and my stuff we were pretty weighed down, but we made it to our camp site.

We saw these two rainbows directly over the mouth of the river on our way up.

The next day we found Alpine Creek, this clear blue tributary with sandy white beaches with little specks of fools gold in the sand... I felt like I was in the tropics (until I felt the water temperature)

We spent some time just drifting and fishing... no bites but you can't complain on a beautiful day!

On Sunday morning, we headed home and on the way out saw a moose and her baby.

When I got back home, Erin and I decided to reorganize the living room from our old couple two recliner set up to a couch and more open feel. Here is an attempt at a photo from my laptop.

Oh, quick note, I also just finished the Petersburg Home and Garden insert for the paper today, here is a sneak peek.

I grabbed a few extra copies to send out, so if you want one drop me a line!

Until next time!


  1. Petersburg in a PBS documentary. There was a documentary shown on KCTS June 19 titled "Echoes of creation", done by an emmy award winner. It showed beautiful scenes of the beauty of the northwest; Hoh rain forest, Cascades, WA coast, and parts of Alaska showing glaciers calving, icebergs, whales, waterfalls, etc. The Alaska part was filmed in a triangle from Petersburg to Juneau to Sitka.
    Regards, Bob
