Saturday, March 6, 2010

How do you move to an island??

Ship your stuff via container of course!!

After a little research, I found that southeast Alaska is serviced by a pretty reliable and efficient barge system. The going rate is about $20/100 lbs and only takes about five days to reach Petersburg.

With the help of my buddy Broch, Erin and I loaded a truckload of furniture and a carload of boxes into a container. Our stuff only took up about a tenth of the container, but still cost over $200...

The container shipped out Friday the 26th and arrived Wednesday the 3rd. We unloaded it when I got off work and we are now attempting to organize it to fit in our tiny apartment.

Because everything in Petersburg has to be shipped via barge, prices are close to double what you pay on the mainland. Oh well, part of the experience I guess.

Next post: The ferry ride

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