Thursday, March 4, 2010


Hi friends and family! Thank you for visiting my blog!

In late February I was offered a job at the Petersburg Pilot in Petersburg, Alaska. After much deliberation and family consult, I decided to take the job and begin my Alaskan adventure alongside my beautiful and amazing girlfriend Erin.

Following this post you will see many entries about the daily activities, experiences, struggles and adventures that we have living in this small Alaskan fishing town. Hopefully with postings every few days.

Since I did not start the blog before we left, and it is now March 4th, (the day my first stories were published!!) I have a few back entries that I will throw together.

Thanks for stopping by,



  1. We will all be waiting to hear all about your adventure daily. Wish I were there! Sharon

  2. Hi Keith and Erin,
    What an adventure!! Ah, to be young again! I am really proud of you for taking this step and seeing what it has to offer!! I am trying to figure out how to continue to get your posts, but will figure it out eventually. Mike and the boys had a great visit with Aunty Anne and Betty yesterday.
    Take care and hope to hear more from you soon!!
    Amy and the rest of the Chaplin gann
